Be the good you want to see in others.

South Florida raised

North Carolina found

World bound


This site has no real purpose. It’s just one of those things you put up to hold your place, like taking a ticket at the Publix bakery. Sure, I’m gonna want a chocolate chip cookie at some point, so I may as well get in line now.

This is the internet’s Publix chocolate chip cookie.

A bold statement to be sure, but I’m writing this before lunch and my priorities are clear.


Work hard, be kind

The sun sets on our days, but not on our challenges. Or our victories. Carry the latter forward, and persevere through the former. You’ll win the day, even if the reward comes tomorrow.


Focus on the person in front of you

The world is full of distractions, don’t let your attention be their victim. We are a tribal species, thus we need each other to make the world a better place. That starts now, and it starts with the person in front of you. Make their needs your purpose.


I <3 airports

The original remote office, before it was cool. But let’s be real, airports are always cool. Whether I’m arriving at 4am for a flight for work, or flying myself to somewhere the roads don’t lead, the gift of flight is the gift of connection to the people, places, and things we love. Who wouldn’t love that?


“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.”

— Bill Nye, Science Guy


Let’s go.

What are you reading?

Help a nerd out. Hit me up with what book is nestling itself into your heart at the moment, and let’s trade recommendations.

All them dang bots make this form necessary. Normal human-based correspondence can continue once your message hits my inbox.

I’m a Millennial.